Tuesday, May 27, 2014

In a rut

honestly loved ones, 
there isnt much to report for this week. i feel like im stuck in a rut. and its not fun 
its breaking out from going through the motions. 
its like searching for the sunshine in a very grey cloud. its not a black cloud but its not a white cloud either. its just..... gray.... and i know the sunshine is on the other side but im jsut trying to get there.... tis wierd. im not sad, but im not like way happy either. its such a strange feelign really. 
but we are doing well. 
this week....
we did intercambios. my first as sister leader. and the sister i was with is doing good. she has a hard companioon. and ironically enough her last name is gonzaleZ..... heheheh but we talked about leadership and how to be a christlike leader and how to correct with love and with the spirit. somethign that I AM stioll trying to learn. strange. 
we have no one progressing. and had ONE in  church this week. we are preparing for the home teaching training. cause no one does it. its hard to retain if you dont do your visits. or QUALITY visits either. so we are planning that 
and the most exciting part of my week was the eath quake....
but i dont know if you can really call it an eathquake cause the pictures on the wall stayed on the wall. they didnt even fall off. it was about 10 seconds, and it started off small then got big, and then died off. not too long. not too bad. i think my reaction did the most damage.... im such a wuss. i was all shakey after. hahah and we were teaching a lesson. is it embarrassign that my investigators stayed more calm than i? he said "peace, its ok.... we are with  God...." as i was up bolting for the door. hahahaha 
how embarrassing..... 
welp. thats the latest. 
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! they are needed. 
love you  all 
love hermana gonzales 
Went to the pool. It was SUCH A TEASE! because we couldn't get in.
Got dared to eat a lot of "aji". It's like Peruvian jalapeno and I DID IT! And guess what? It was GOOD! Still a spicy Mexican.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Going Strong

queridas familia y amistades

it was a good week. 
some high lights. 
celebrated one year! May 8th treated myself to some tres leches. yummy. my favorite. 
we had a baptismal interview. sometimes when our investigators arent progressingw well and there is obviously something holding them back, we throw them in an interveiw withan elder and they find their hidden doubts. it works great! i have a lot of confidence in the elders. well, turns out, hermana suley, has a girlfriend. yes,. a GIRL friend. she is homosexual. adn doesnt even feel bad about it. she doesnt want to change. so we are back to square one with finding. well the next day a miracle happened and victor came to church. he has visited with 6 different missionaries and came to church for the first time in 5 years. and he accepted a baptismal date! AWESOME!  he is ready. and we are here to harvest. WHAT A BLESSING! we are also working with lucho. the son of my recent convert. we are gonna complete this family one person at a time. so far we have mom, daughter, and now we are working on son. and there is a  7 year old who will be preparing for her baptism in the next 6 months. AWESOME! 
happy mothers day to all the beautiful influential women in my life. it was SO AWESOME skyping home to mama and miss heidi. i am so blessed with such wonderful parents. i dont know what i did to have such righteous examples in my life. i had to ask mom for forgiveness for ever being a bratt. being far from home for a long timemakes you realize a lot of things. FOR GIVE ME MOM! i will forever help in the kitchen with out complaining. i will forever do the dishes with out being asked. and i will always be there at dinner at 6 on the dot. I LOVE YOU! 
thank you for your prayers. they are definutely felt. 
this week we are planning on doing a work visit and next week we will do two more with the sisters int he other zone. (about an hour away) and we are planning a training to train the ward how to do their visiting teaching and home teaching. cause they ARENT DOIN GIT! how are we supposed to keep our fruits? and we are still planning hte stake activity. don tthey have planning committies? oh well. this work is definutly WORK! and i love it. im in love with his work.
love you all. keep the faith! keep putting the lord first and i PROMISE you he WILL BLESS YOU! but maybe in ways you dont expect. keep your spiritual eyes open. cause His hand is all around us. we just have to notice it. 
love you all
hermana gonzales xoxoxo 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Short, Sweet, and to the Point

dearest family. so today is p day but its a wierd one. 
hermana marler (the presidents wife) is going to come with us on a lesson. hermana marlers grand son just died. he is two. and she just got back. our investigator, rosio, just suffered the death of her two year old son. he fell from teh third floor of house at his birthday party. then at the funeral of her son someone told her that this was punishment for a sin. 
broke my heart. i am so grateful for the gospal. for hte plan of salvation. i know htat hermana marler will be able to give her such awesome advice and comfort through the scriptures and her testimony. 
i am so grateful for the knowledge that i have. i know that GOd does not punish. i know htat he may withold blessings, but he does not punish. i know that we may suffer the consequences of our actions from disobedience, but GOD DOES NOT PUNISH! and i hope that throught he perspective of the gospal, she will find that there are miracles hidden amongst our trials. i hope that she will come to unerstand that her baby boy has already achieved salvation. now she has to do her part and achieve what her son already has. to be with him agian one day. 
im excited for this lesson. its worht the sacrivice of a p day. 

this week we had DOUBLE MEETINGS! had no idea. supposedly a sister training leader is like the zone leader for the sisters. so we have to go to all the same meetings as our ZLs. this picture is of all the sister leaders in the mission after meeting we go play sports and eat lunch in the mission home. its awesome! then we had a meeting witht he stake presdient, and i have a reputation for putting on activities after my Parque Grande FHE so now im a sister leader guess who is in charge of hte STAKE activity..... ya. this girl. 
its gonna rock. i have a few ideas stewing up in my brain. 

funny story. 
we are teaching our DueƱa (house owner? idk in english...) her name is Luci. and she is a funny lady, this week we asked her to bring her bible and her book of mormon for hte lesson. she said "ill bring my bom,. but i cant touch my bible".... i was so confused. like did i interprerate wrong or something? no.... we asked "hermana lucy. why cant you touch our bible?" she replied "cause im on my period" like duh. no one should touch the bible when they are on their period.... i said "hermana luci. who told you that?" she said "the bible says!" i said "hermana lucy,. where in the bible does it say that? " she said "i dont know..." well. maybe its there, i dont know but hten i replied  (trying with all my might not to laugh out loud" "well hermana, i dont know where it says that  but i know that I NEED the bible EVEN MORE when im on MY period....and my companions can attest to that...." then we started the lesson with the good old book of mormon. but it made me even more grateful for the RESTORED gospal. the TRUE CHURCH! with the things that REALLY matter. 

thats the latest and greatest. we are doing our best to get Suley, luis, and lucy progressing. they are tough cookies. but its coming

thank you for your love and your prayers. 
mom and heidi, im STOKED to see your pretty faces this sunday. 
Sister Gonzales xoxoxoox