dearest familia y amistades.
was a good week and we were FINALLY able to watch general conference. and it was JUST what i needed. i went with 6 questions and 5 out of the 6 were answered.
they are personal so i wount share them, but i now have a testimony that God truly DOES hear and answer prayers through his chosen servents.
some highlights.
LOVED the 4 talks in different languages. and me alegre bastante que pude entender DOS de ellos. woo hoo. yes i listened to the ones in spanish and understood. and i even took the challenge of leaving the gringo room and listened to the last session in spanish. either way, the words are inspired and either way i was edified. what a blessing.
i loved Robbins- what way do you face? i imagine this will help me adjusting back to non mission life.
hermana espline- the ENABLING power of the atonement. not just the repentence part.
callister. he is awesome! he came to the mtc when i was there too so i like listening to him. i loved what he had to say about the calling of mother. favorite quote "the title of bishop, reliefe society pres. (or missionary) will not exist in the next life. but "father" or "mother" will. ". AMEN!
keeburt (speling?)- the 6 ways to be more spiritually confident WAS JUST FOR ME! HE even gave ADVICE to a sister missioary is his talk. THANK YOU HEAVENS for giving me what i needed.
holland- favorite quote "her work is about LOVE. not statistics". and that for me means number of baptisms.... im not here for that.
eyring- confirming revelation, and recieving personal revelation. that too will serve me well in the coming weeks.
THEN what really sent it home, was the two talks about MAKEING BIG DECISIONS.
bother Elder Godoy (who also came to the mission) and Kacher talked on how we can make big life decisions well. THANK YOU cause i have been a little stressed about coming home... and i will be doing A LOT of soul searching, and analyzing, and making important decisions.
and the last talk by bednar was JUST for Cezar. update on cezar. he went to ALL 5 SESSIONS OF GENERAL CONFERENCE! (INCLUDING priesthood) and after the last sunday session we had a lesson with him and asked him abut how he felt about his baptism date.... he said he recieved his answer in general conference. and it warmed my heart to hear him bear his testimony on how he truly KNOWS that Thomas S Monson is our living prophet. he was touched by the spirit and shared his notes with us and everything. AND what really got to me, he asked if RODRIGO(latest convert) could baptise him! WAHT THE???? converts helping concverts! i wanted to cry. "justo" (as we say in spanish) he already has the arronic priesthood. and he will be getting melc. 2 de nov.
its those moments i feel like. im doing my job. this is what i was called to do. this is why god called a weak sister missionary. the mission is such a sacred thing.
we had a good week. OH and funny story.....
half way through sunday morning session, two gringos walk in and one looked familiar. she got a look at me and mouthed "moe gonzales...??" and i just stared at here like.... i know you. what is your name... how do i know you.... i know you but i cant remember.... ahMISSIONARY MODE MADE ME FORGET EVERYTHING! WELL AFTER the session, we talked and it all came floodig back. it was MORGAN PRATT!!! chaz's highschool crush!!! and she is MARRIED!!!! and she goes to USU!! what the???? and she was in PERU!!!! so we talked and caught up and it was fun to see her so happy. The lord loves us. adn we talked about how we were pre school friends and here we are in peru. wierd. but cool
this week we also got asked to babysit. yes. BABYSIT! can you do that as a missioanry? you can if its for your mission president! we got to babysit the visiting grandkids this week and tuck them in and play games with them and everything. itwas SO FUN. and i cannot WAIT TO SEE MY CUTE FAMILY AGAIN!!!!! a bunch of gringos playing chess and arm wrestling. what a blessing. i love my life. Heavenly Father loevs me. but i dont know what i did. i dont deserve it. it hink the credit goes to all my loved ones and their prayers for me. THANK YOU! i know htat God has heard your prayers and He is taking good care of me.
i am happy and well. we had a good week. and another one to come
love you all
con amor
hermana gonzales
Super ugly Peruvian dog. It's funny to think that these dogs are practically worshipped here...come on. If you're gonna give lots of love to something, at least be pretty to look at. |
Hermana Bills and I at Parque de las Aguas |