Dearest loved ones.
mom. i love you. and you are the best. just so you know. you need to know.
ok thats all
ether 6:3 to all my lovced ones and friends. you have been a light and love to me.
noche peruana- fiestas patrias: this week (aka today) is the FOURTH of july for peru. they are all in parties and red and white. its awesome. so to celebrate we had our stake mission nite. Noche Peruana. and it was AWESOME! the sister leaders (aka my comp and i ) were put in charge of the decorations. and they turned out awesome. and the sister missionaries of the stake prepared a number for the show. we did my style of i am a child of god with the ukulele in 3 different lingos. english spanish and quechua (the native lang. here) it sounds like japonese.... and it turned out great. also we did our italian number agian.
sorry for the short letter. we had a good week. we will be traveling to Chimbote (three hours away) this week for a training. with pres and his wife. jsut my comp and i. we are excited fot that.
con amor
hermana gonzales
wickedness ..... does not produce rational thought.
spoke in church alma 11:17. and tied it to temple work. read it and pnder it. and see how i made the connection. its pretty sweet.
love you all
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