Friday, May 3, 2013

Oh my goodness. Is this really happening? Am I seriously on my way!? After six months of waiting it is actually right here, right now???? The next year and a half is planned for me. It's knocking at my front door. Am I ready?? Am I prepared? Do I have everything? Am I spiritually in tube enough??? Bah! I didn't know it was possible to feel so many extreme emotions all at once. My heart is breaking, but I'm so excited. I have anxiety yet j know Heavenly Father has everything under control. I'm brave and scared. I'm ready but not. I'm can't wait, but at the same time I can.
I am just praying those I leave behind will be more proud than sad. I pray that I won't let God down. I just want to be the very best for Him. I just want to work hard, not miss a single beat or prompting, and change someone, just one person's, life. That's all I want.
I have been so incredibly blessed. Blessed with amazing, supportive, loving people on every side of me!!! It's hard to leave all that behind. But ready or not HERE WE GO!!!
And I'm coming in HOT! Ready to serve, ready to work my butt off! Being it on. All or nothing. Im decided that I'm going big or going home. Bah! And here it is. Days! HOURS away. And it's actually happening. The most critical years if my life.
Sigh...... Ready or not here I go.
Like I said. So blessed. I am so excited! So sad! My emotions are all over and I am bursting inside. Just bursting. But here we go. The adventure of a life time.

The church is true. And don't you forget it.

Love moe


  1. Knock 'em dead! (well maybe not dead; just into the baptismal font)

    1. LOL yeah, we don't want potential converts to the LDS faith dead. we just want them to be baptized that's all.
