Dearest Family and Friends,

Here's the story:
I have successfully done what every missionary has so
desperately tried to avoid while being in the MTC.
and that is: Getting sick!
Yes. I got S.I.C.K. SICK! and it was the best
"Getting sick" experience i have ever hadd and i am GRATEFUL
for it. Dad, remember when i got so sick with that terrible sore
throat that whiped me out for like 10 days? well thats what it was
looking like. after two days for a sore throat thinking i could get over it in
a few days, on day three i woke up and saw the white puss on my tonsills
and said to my companions "today, we are going to the doctor!" (so if
anything pops up on our insurence that is why). I went to the doc and told
him my syptoms: swollen troat, puss, cant swollow, head ache, body aches, queezy. He
said that they'd test for strep (but i already knew it wasnt strep). when
it came back negative he said they were going to test my blood for mono
(i already knew it was mono)
sure enough. the white blood cell count was way off
ballance. MOE-NO IS BACK LADYS AND ELDERS! and this was NOT a very happy
princess. :( AND the doc had the nerve to put me on BED REST! i
thgought NOT FOR THIS MISSIONARY! i went home. took a nap, and was back to
But through these last three days of Sister Mono
Gonzales, i said the most fervent prayers i have ever prayed. I said
"dear Father in Heaven, I understand that I have been set apart as a
representative of thee and of our Savior even Jesus Christ. I understand
that there is a lot of power in thsi callling. id like to learn just what this
means. I am calling upon the powers of heaven as a missionary of thee, to give
me strength to overcome and that i can still attend classes and
teaching appointments. I understand there is amazing power in Priesthood power.
I am calling upon that power as well. I know that there are prayers said
everyday for missionaries in your temples around the world. I am calling upon
that power as well." and guess what. I made it through three days and
didnt miss a thing. THat is power my friends. it is REAL. it is as
real as the book of mormon we read. it is as real as our faith. i was
given so much love from my district, so much service from my companions,
and i learned that this is also a gospal of optims. i was as positive as i
could be. and my companions said they were amazed with how happy i was
even though i was sick. I feel like the spirit was helpnig me stay positive.
and maybe that is why i recovered so quickly! i have my follow up
appointment in thirty minutes. and i have been very blessed. after the tuesday
night devotional (which was AMAZING! i know God wanted me to be
there), we have district review where we talk about the devotional and sister
Gurney (the second cousilors wife) stood up to give her thoughts,
then at the end, she looked at mee and said, "I know God wanted you
to be there tonight. and because you were there, i KNOW that God will
bless you with a good nights sleep." (this was huge cause
i was having a really really REALLY hard time sleeping with my tem.
fluxes every ten minutes) and sure enough. i prayed that night that God
would honor that rightous woman's words, and i slept the best i
have slept since being here at the MTC!!! I know that God is aware of me.
He is definutely aware of his missionaries. its amazing. What a blessing. I cant
wait to use this story on my mission. God has given me another tool!
Thank you for your prayers. I have definutely felt your
prayers this week. i love you all. Les Quiero!
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