Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why is everyone always sick?

dearest everyone.

I JUST WANT A NORMAL WEEK WHERE NO ONE GETS SICK OR PRACTICALLY DIES!!!! is it even possible? Poor hna FLores really took a dive in her health this week two. we were sitting in the back of the chappel for the training, and i look over and her eyes are blood shot, and she was clammy and shacky, and looked like she was about to pass out, so we went out side, and she collapsed! hna downs was up front taking pix, and she saw through the window and came running out! next thing i know the APs, random sisters, members and a paramedic were all around us. we obviously took her to the clinic. we were in the clinic for a whole day doing tests of all sorts. while we were there, we taught the plan of salvation to everyone in the waiting room. that was fun. i used my little laminated pictures. and the elders handed out folletos (pamflets) to everyone as well. well, eventually, it turns out she has 3 pollips on her liver. (or something like that). she is fine now. we just have to take it easy. poor thing. if she passes out again, she will have an operation . like hna downs.,  LOCO CRAZY! my poor campanions. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG! am i working then too hard? am i not taking good enough care of them? like whats going on..... not cool. satan is working on this companionship AND IM NOT OK WITH IT! not cool satan, not cool. 

any ways. if you are wondering why your favorite trio{s numbers are terrible, that is why. the poor health of my girls. mi hermanas. we are trying our best. but nevertheless, we had miracles this week. because NOTHING stops the work of God. Nothing  and no one can stop His work. not even fainting hermanas. 
Remember Shayla, how her mom would not give her permission to be baptised, yet shayla STILL kept coming to church. well, her mom, the stubborn woman, CAME TO CHURCH AGAIN! with her family AGAIN! and this time WITHOUT the members picking her up. she came all on her own! AH! i cried tears of joy to my father in heaven. we were talking to her later, and she told us that two times when she prayed cause she was sad, we showed up knocking on her door. and she said that is NOT a cooincedense. she also said, one time she was in the kitchen cooking when we showed up, but didnt know it was us. she said, that who ever it, sounded like jesus. sounded like CHRIST! she felt something through the walls of her home, when we came in. and because of that, she keeps having us over to teach. she is very prepared, but we wouldnt have known it if we didnt stick to her daughter. i cant tel you how many times we taught the daughter, and felt like it was in vain. it wanst in vain. we extended a baptismal date for the 21. she is a little hesetant. she has ¨baptisms for the dead¨mixed up with normal baptism. and that is her doubt. a good doubt. cause now we can prepare her for the temple! two birds with one stone. awesome! we hope to baptise her and her daughter the same day. she does not have a husband, and her other daughter is six. so the six year old will be preparing for baptism in the coming years. WOO HOO!
this week we also had Elder Grow come do a training. he is part of the 70. adn he is very nice. and his wife is even sweeter.
LOVED chazy´s letter from the field. he makes me so proud. and i love hearing his growing experiences. yes chaz. good adivece. at times, just be still and know that He is God.
in other news, we got another pench AGIAN! ugggg what is up with this pench stuff. food was good.
you guys are the BEST! i took a video of me opening it. but i cannot send it through email cause ldsmail is filtered. you{ll have to wait another 11 months to see it,. but you can imagine my reaction to the PEANUT BUTTER! ok SO GOOD! and my native comp tried it for the first time. she loves it too. we put it on everything. i had a pb and j sandwich for breakfast today. felt like home. NUDE NO SHO SOCKS! i was SO DESPERATE for more. came in perfect timeing. and the CD music. perfect. comps are also very grateful for those. and it was so hard not to eat all the chocolate all at once. im savering it. saving the mnms for last. thank you. and hair spray, the step tracker, bracelet, beef jerkey. all things i totally MISS!!!! thank you thank you THANK YOU! vbest birthday EVER! i am so blessed. but my fav, were the pix. they were beautiful. i hung a few up on my wall. i miss fall in utah. so beautiful. and chazzy kissing my mom ont he cheek after the temple. mel t my heart. so cute!
thank you
had another good day at the beach this week as well. but this time, for service. and our investigator came to THAT TOO! EXITO! woow. got a little bit of a farmers tan and a little burn on the back of my neck. which is wierd, cause im like latina, and i never burn. but not as latina as the peruvians here. so..... ouch. i hurt. but have a great sister missionary tan. woow.
Loderup family, thank you for the letter/talk. i recieved the talk by holland [cast not away thy confidence[ it is a really awesome talk. i have marked it up quite a bit and i would recommend it to EVERYONE! it talks about opposition in ALL things. and how to be prepared for it. SO GOOD!
ALSO, this weeks scripture that touched my heart,
please look up D&C 98:1-3 god is truly aware of us. he hears EVERY PRAYER! EVERY SINGLE ONE!
i love you all,. missing you extra this christmas season. but life is good.
Zone Conference

Thank you!


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