Monday, July 7, 2014

Desires and Unconditional Love

sometimes.... you just have weeks where you have atleast ONE meeting everyday. and sometimes two. and sometimes its like weekly planning EVERY DAY!!1 and you only have a few hours to do prosolyting. but guess what, when there is sacrifice, there are miracles. and we definutely saw miracles this week. 
we had concilio this week and we went to the beach again (i would lnclude pix but found out that my camera card has a virus so i gotta fix that before i cansend pix again. sad day)
then we planned how to portray all that we can learned for the rest of the zone. im pretty excited. its some good stuff. how we will build these missionaries so that they can be cleaner insturments. more pure, more sanctified to be better in the lords work.  how to teach more by the spirit. how to be more sactified? its through repentance and the atonement and becoming SANCTIFIED! that means no mean thoughts, cleaning the inner vessel, no contensious feelings. being pure in heart and feelings and intentsions, and continual service. and unconditional love. becoming christlike and putting off hte natural man. its not easy youknow. but it is possible. and its through the atonement. we are going to show some good videos and testify a lot!!! 
this week we also did a work study with one of the sisters. found out that t here is iniquity in the zone. some one has opened her heart. and it is not the first time. 
just some thought that i have been praying about. 
how do you change the desires of ones heart?  how do you call repentence without burning them? how do you help them realize that what they are doing is wrong and have the DESIRE to change?  i realized, this is what we do everytday. and then it occured to me that i cannot take away their agency. and this stuff is not easy. and how do you get a closed person a hard hearted person to open up? how do you get them to trust you when they easily do not trust? how do you reach their heart? 
those have been my prayers and my questions to god. we did a fast and we are doing everything we can to control the situation. being a leader IS NOT EASY! and when there are four of us, who all think we have the answers, its not easy. i cant imagine being the prophet, and haveing 12 leaders.... 
i also learned somethign about unconditional love this week. 
while doing companionship inventory and putting personal goals, i really realized our faluths and how hard it must be to live with me. i know that a mature relationship requres communication. and htat meands they are goin gto see the uggliest part of you. apposed to holding the problem in and trying to fix it you self, you have to communicate! your companion will see the things you are FIGHTING(luchando) to overcome. and they dont judge you. they still love you. even if you look like a bad person. a sinner a far, very far fallen from god person. still. THEY LOVE YOU. and STILL dont judge you. and I  must do the same. learn to love unconditionally. i imagine to be god youd hear prayers and many repentatn prayers, and the thoughts and feelings of us imperfect people. and he STILLL loves us. cause its unconditional. and we are in training to become gods. so i must learn to love unconditionally. not to judge. and love them with all their faults and short comings, cause that is how god loves each of us. 
we had some good lessons learned this week. and change is hard. puttin gin practice thes things is hard. 
but we are coming along. 
i am happy. i am studying i am seeking and finding. and i love my mission. i love these people. 
ana didnt go to church, but her son and her less active husband did. so they are progressing. 
thank you all for your prayers. i love you all 
i am so very blessed and i love this work. 
con amor
hermana gonzales 

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