Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I like to look for rainbows

Dearest Amistades,

i got THE BEST NEWS this week from home that i would like to share. 

Julia Liddell-- FOLLOW YOU HEART BABY! your heart is CLEARLY in the right place and you have THE MOST righteous desires. 
now i know you are all asking yourself.... what is moe talking about. well my cute darling cousin julia got her mission call to ARCADIA CALIFORNIA! where i was searving  before peru, and she was all set to go. but then, cute mark, her love, swept her off her feet. and after much praying, fastinga dn crying (i know this process, oh do i know this process) she has a set to marry the love of her life mark (cant wait to meat you) for time and all eternity. CONGRATS GIRL!"!!!! i LOVE love. its the sweetest thing. and i am so happy for you. 
now.... can you please postpone the wedding til december?? pretty please pretty please??? 
and kenzie huey-- MY OTHER FAV CUZ! she will be serving in  CALI TOO"!!!! spanish speaking baby! WOO HOO!! the latinos are Gods chosen people. i promise you that. you got teach some gospal girl. im excited to hear about your adventures. and all you learn. 
Porter WIlkins-- i gotta go watch priesthood session choir to find you! how did you get that gig?? im so super jealous! i wish i could sing in a choir for the lord and for the whole world to see and feel of your spirit. WOW! what do i gotta do to live your life. ps how is your cute new wife?? 
wow. my family ROCKS! i am so blessed to be part of such awesome people. Heavenly father truly loves us. and his blessings are SO REAL! 
this week. in the life of little Hermana GOnzales. 
first of all JORGE IS NOW OFFICIALLY A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH! wow. it feels so good. his baptism was saturday. and get this.... we show up to the church and there he is, with his mom (non member) and andre (who came home early from his mission, but now is worth of baptising) 

AND a rainbow! like for real...?? i thought stuff like that only happened in the ensign. there was a rainbow at the most meaningful baptism of my mission!!! i couldnt help but shed  a few tears. heavenly father approved. it was such a tender mercy. and the baptism went PERFECTLY! 
we had the whole singles ward, the members, two musical numbers, great talks, one by joan our recent convert and lidia, who is preparing for her mission. 
my comp and i sang I am a child of GOd. jorges favorite hymn. and since jorge also speaks inglish my comp sang a verse in inglish then we sang ingles and spanish together. so cool. the spirit was so strong. and my ukulele sounded AWESOME! 
the part of the song that says "has given me parents kind and dear" he touched his moms knee.... andi lost it. i was already emotional but that was the last straw. i started to cry right there in the middle of my verse. and then , HE started crying! AH! It was probably the MOST emotional and spiritual baptism of my whole mission so far. 
ah! i feel so good. 
and i feel like i accomplished what i was meant to accomplish here in el bosque. next week is transfers. we will see what happens. 


this week we also got locked out of our room. the owner left and was gone all day so we couldnt get in! i was this close to climbing through the window, ( of the second floor) when the apartment owner came out and asked what we were doing. and, of course, had a better solution. she left and came back with a shovel.... i was a little nervous of what she was going to do to that window with thath shovel.... well. turns out, she jsut needed to wiggle the knob lose and it opned easy breezy. peruvian winows are wierd. its hard to explain. but we got it. EXITO!" 
thats about it with the news from  my life. 
thank you for your prayers.(especially for jorge!)  thank you for your love. thank you for your faith in me. 
I love the lord, i love this work. yes it is hard, yes i am being pushed, and yes i am growing. growing into what heavenly father wants me to be. 
and i hope i turn out better than i came. 
the church is true. truer than true. and i am so blessed to be here. 
con amor
hna gonzales 

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