Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Livin' on a Prayer

dearest family and friends.
i have DEFINUTELY felt your prayers this week as we have found 3 outstandingly prepared souls to baptize. ok just FOUND. ill be at rest once they actually enter the waters. but thank you for praying. thank you for your love and support. its been a little rough. but we are hanging in there.
i sould like to explain the pic.
let me introduce you to Martin. He is the one on the far right in the wheel chair. HE IS SO AWESOM! he lives out in the boonies of Chakarilla Barraza.wich is about a 25 minute walk, or a 5 minute taxi ride. we rarely go out there cause it takes all day or a whole morning. but we felt since we werent having much success here close in el bosque, we had to go do some serious searching. so this last monday we had a noche de hogar (fhe) with this awesome family. not all are too interested, all are nice, but martin showed a special interest in the church. he came to church this sunday. faithfully in his wheel chair and with his old libro de mormon, combined with D&C. (gifted by a member from our fhe) and he was very alert and attentive all during church. he is the happiest guy ever! so full of light and joy and said if we fixed moto, he would go to church faithfully. so we got the ward council involved and tehy are going to fix his moto this week! so he can take the ride to church and activities. he also accepted a baptismal date! PRAY FOR MARTIN! he is GOLDEN!
it was awesome. we had this fhe, and at the very end, the lights went out. (this is normal for this area) so (as depicted) we whipped out the candels and finished this fhe. it was fun. and we had soda and crackers. typical fhe treat for peru. this family lives out in the fields. they have onion and vegitable fiends, and it smells sooooo good! and lots of animals. and they sell everthing to live. its awesome. a humble wonderful family. he has a neice, angie, who has also showed special interest, but she sells with her mom on sundays, so she could to this week to church. but pray for her. she also wants to be baptised.
so thats the latest miracle from your prayers.
this week i got a call from a convert of other sister missionaries saying she was movnig to el bosque and she needs a place to live. so since i have been in el bosque for 7 months (aka half my mission) and we were looking for a house, i should know all the hot spots for living. so this week, aside from prosoliting, i played real estate agent. WOO HOO! she told me how much she could pay, for how many people and when she could move. adn we went contacting slash house hunting. and we have found a few good options. im excited for her to be a part of our awesome ward. they will give her a beautiful welcome.
this week we "rescued" a family of menos activos, and we have 2 more ready for bishop interviews next week. to me, rescuing menos activos is almost equal to a baptism. feeling pretty good.
today (sorry letters are late) we went to the SECOND oldest dirt in peru, La Huaca, templo del sol y la luna ( temple of the sun and the moon) its AWESOME! absolutely BEAUTIFUL! you could see the dried blood where they did human sacrifices. google it. its SAWEET!
thats the latest and greatest.
the comp is awesome. she LOVES to talk. like REALLY loves to talk. . . . about all kinds of things..... and she talks in english (we need to make more rules). she loves to multi task, sometimes i wonder if she listens to me durring training, but she will catch on. she LOVES dogs. she loves to pet every one. every single one. and there are a lot in peru.... and she LOOOOOVES ice cream. so we eat a lot of ice cream. she is fun. she keeps me laughing. and i love her very much. we like to read scriptures and cuddle. or i give her a foot rub with my special oilsand listen. and listen. and she talks. and talks. and i love to listen.
shout out to aunt bobbi and aunt bev. i got liek 6 letters from them on valentines day. thanks for making me feel so loved.
con mucho amor.
hna Gonzales
More de la Huaca (really old dirt). I LOVE this culture. It's so rich and bright, and brutal and crazy, and awesome!

Met a 97 year old woman. So cute! How often do you find a happy, little, old Peruvian like this. HAD to take a pic.

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